Saturday, January 14, 2012

Non-stop PMS

Took this pic before dye-ing my hair red.
Well my red hair is officially gone after 2 weeks I had dyed it.
Damn sad.
It's kind of reddish brown now.
More to brown, less to red.
Hmph. Gonna dye it lagi red on June or July I don't care.

Ohya, Just got back from Singapore.
It was a nice trip tho:)
Eventhough I was haunted by period pain for the first few day.
Well gonna blog about it soon!
Whee! :D

You know what?
I have double personalities. Maybe triple, sometimes.
I can be the happy girl that jump here jump there do all of the crazy stuff I feel like doing, being the insane one, make everyone laugh by my outta mind speech and weird action and dance or whatever shit but then sometimes I am quiet like shit.
I'm not emo, I'm not sad, I'm not angry, I'm not mad.
I just don't feel like talking.
So I plug in the earphones and listen to lady gaga's in a crowded subway surrounded by people I know, and I don't know.
I shut the world down.
I don't give a fuck.
I feel all alone.
This sometimes lead to happiness of me to get some private self-reflection time but sometimes it leads to loneliness that eats up every blood cell of mine.
I am that kind of person that need a lot of time to be alone.
To clean up my own emotion breakdown and stuff.
Cause I don't like to burden people with my problems.
It's just so selfish.
Everyone has their own problemsssssssss.
So I hide my emotion.
I laugh like insane people and sometimes I am confused whether it's for being happy, or sad.
Sometimes I dismiss my own priority and put my friend on the first place.
I am that kind of person that will do everything for friends.
But then some people are just pure retarded.
They use people that care about them.
They stick to you for advantage.
I don't really care whether you are there when I need you or repay me the things I have done to you.
I just want my friends to be happy.
But then those retarded person treat me like cheap plaster, stick me to their bloody wound when they get hurts or when they need me then tear me up violently and throw it away, awfully.
Well for friends that do shitty stuff to me:
For the 1st time- Well Vivian Siow why you think so much????
For the 2nd times- Okay maybe there are some mistakes
For the 3rd time- Uhmm okay maybe he/she has a reason for doing it
For the 4th time- Uhmm he/she is abit annoying already but I will still help you with some minor problems
For the 5th time- DENG. What's your problem owh??? Maybe I'll still say yes this time but not with a happy and willing attitude anymore
For the 6th time- What the shit. Imma curse him/her like hell in twitter or here, my sweetie pie blog :P And I won't freaking choi him/her anymore.
For the 7th time- I won't freaking choi him/her.
For the 8th times- I won't freaking choi him/her.
For the 9th times- I won't freaking choi him/her.
For the 10th times- You think I'm very stupid to cheat is it. Imma gonna fuck it in his/her face, loudly.

My principle of life:
Love your family and friends.
Ignore people that hate you. Remember people that hurt you. Try the fucking best to live a much more beautiful life than 'em.
I say what I mean.
I do what I say.

1 comment:

  1. i think too much. is it the same person you're talking?
